четверг, 18 октября 2012 г.

Правила, законы, rules, laws, leyes…

Правила, законы, rules, laws, leyes…
All my 2 years of travelling in Americas have shown me how much we are not free, how much we are under slavery of our governments and laws. Lots of people just simply forgot what it means to be a HUMAN; they became robots, who only do what they are told, without thinking, without putting their own emotions into their actions, they follow instructions written on a piece of paper. I would happily use it in the toilet!!!
They are not humans anymore, and it’s very very sad to look at them and meet them on your way.
Many will say that we need these laws, otherwise the world will collapse, and everyone will be migrating, working wherever they want and bla bla bla…. I would agree with that at some point, but mostly my inside nature tells me that it’s wrong. We want to be free, we should be free, the entire world should belong to us, not to a bunch of rich people who rule this world and create these stupid laws. I see so much fear in people’s eyes every day, they are afraid to make every single movement, they are afraid to be punished.
I am not afraid any more, I don’t want to be afraid, I don’t want to be a slave, I want to be free, I am free and I am happy.
They challenge me nearly every day, but I am stronger. I wish (and many other people I met on my way agree with me) I didn’t have my passport, so many times I wanted to throw it away…So many times I couldn’t go or be where I want just because of my passport and visas.. I wish it was like in ancient times, no borders, no countries…there were tribe territories, but then I would fight with my machete to go through if I had to, but I would prefer to live in peace with everyone. I don’t need millions, expensive things, houses, cars….. all I want is to have some food and possibility to travel and see the world, meet amazing people, and walk my own spiritual path.
It is so hard to be simply free…

понедельник, 15 октября 2012 г.